PHP 5.6

Continuous and free support for older PHP version

No End-of-Life for PHP 5 at Novinet

If an existing website or webshop of yours is still running on PHP 5, you will have noticed that many hosting providers no longer offer this version. This is done because security support for PHP 5.6 has officially been discontinued, which could lead to security vulnerabilities.

With Novinet web hosting, you don’t need to worry if your webshop or website is running on the older version of PHP 5. Many hosting providers have ceased support for PHP 5, but at Novinet you will still receive free and permanent support for this version. Although security support for PHP 5.6 has been officially discontinued, which may result in security gaps, we will support you in finding the ideal solution.

With many years of experience, we work together to ensure the secure and reliable development of your webshop or website. Changing the PHP version is often not easy or very expensive. Therefore, we stand by your side in the course of your web hosting and support you with your existing system.

Permanent support for PHP 5 (5.4, 5.5 and 5.6) in Novinet web hosting!

Novinet provides separate servers for outdated PHP versions. Thus, outdated PHP versions are separated from new server systems. With a firewall and other security mechanisms, your old version still meets the current security requirements and does not pose a risk.

For this purpose, Novinet provides you with extra servers for the older PHP versions. By separating the servers with the new versions from the servers with the older versions, security is significantly increased. This is because we ensure the security requirements of the old PHP versions through a strong firewall as well as a variety of additional security systems.
So you don’t have to worry about switching or about possible risks. Please take a closer look at our hosting packages. At Novinet you can book any web hosting package with an older version of PHP.

End-Of-Life Termine für PHP
End-Of-Life dates for PHP

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